Friday, 30 August 2013

Another Merger

I have just had lunch with a former work colleague. She had met another former colleague who had informed her that Lancashire Young People's Service is about to merge with two other County Council agencies called Early Intervention, which was being set up when some of us were leaving LYPS, and CAPSS (Children and Parenting Support Service), with further loss of jobs, this time at managerial level.

I mention this here because it is the latest stage of a process described in the posts, "To And Through A Career," "A Career And Beyond" and "Reorganizations" on this blog back in May last year. I am intrigued that the process continues indefinitely without ever reaching a satisfactory conclusion. Political change seems imminent and will undoubtedly lead to yet more reorganizations of public services. What we have been through would have seemed impossible when I started to train for Careers work back in 1988.

Addendum, 6 June 2014: Today, a conversation with another former colleague revealed that YPS, which has apparently retained that set of initials after all, works alongside Children's Centres under the overall heading of Well Being, Prevention and Early Help but, next year, YPS and Children's Centres will merge as Family Support.