Saturday, 20 May 2017

Today In Lancaster

See In Preston Today.

A Pride march set off from and returned to Dalton Square. See image. There was food, drink and speeches. Speakers included the Mayor of Lancaster and the Conservative and Labour candidates in the current General Election campaign, Eric Ollerenshaw and Cat Smith, respectively. Ollerenshaw is homosexual and a veteran of Gay Liberation Front marches. There will be musical events in local pubs this afternoon and this evening.

Saturday, 6 May 2017

The James Bond Canon

Novels by Ian Fleming.

TV adaptations: Casino Royale: UNCLE; unused scripts and treatments.

Prose fiction by Fleming based on screen treatments: Dr No; For Your Eyes Only; Thunderball.

Feature films.

Newspaper comic strips.

Prose fiction by other authors, including Trigger Mortis by Anthony Horowitz, incorporating
"Murder on Wheels," a TV treatment by Fleming.

Film novelizations.

Comic books.

Video games.