Tuesday 19 March 2019

The Girl In The Spider's Web Film

Stieg Larsson wrote a published trilogy and an unpublished manuscript.

David Lagercrantz has written two published novels based not on the unpublished manuscript written by Larsson but only on the characters created by Larsson. For comments on the first of these two novels, see here.

The film, The Girl In The Spider's Web, is only nominally based on the first novel by Lagercrantz. Thus, it is at two removes from Larsson's trilogy. Lisbeth has become a vigilante against men who hate women. Thus, Lisbeth's known character is fused with the familiar image of a screen vigilante. Bruce Wayne is personally motivated to fight against all crime whereas Lisbeth is motivated to fight against a particular type of crime but this differentiates her from the original Lisbeth who took action against particular men but did not set out to wage a war against all women-hating men.


  1. Kaor, Paul!

    The idea of a vigilante waging war on women hating men puzzles me. First, how do you determine if a man hates all women? And does it matter if he only hates one woman? What does a woman hater have to DO be pursued by the vigilante? Be a rapist or murderer? And what of a man who hates women but never acts out that prejudice? It goes too far to punish a man merely for an idea, rather than actually harmful acts.


  2. Sean,
    Oh, it is only guys who have physically abused women and got away with it.

  3. Kaor, Paul!

    That clarifies matters. Then other questions arises, such as the RIGHTNESS of a private person taking it up on herself to assume the roles of judge, jury, and executioner.

